Saturday, March 08, 2008

Fisherman's Luck

"Pitch a lucky man into the Nile, says the Arabian proverb, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth!"

I remember fishing with my Grandpa. I remember catching nothing. I remember pouting.

My Grandpa seemed to always have good luck when fishing, even when he didn't catch anything. But he didn't measure fisherman's luck by the number of fish caught. He measured luck in jokes cast, prank victims hooked, and smiles reeled in.

Happy Saint Patrick's Birthday Grandpa!


The Encourager said...

Thanks Chindo for remembering my dad in such a special way.
He would have been 100 years old this March 17th.
He was the original "Good Humor" man.

auntibeck said...

100 Years old! What an amazing life he lived to 88. And an impact he had with everyone who knew him. I remember a twinkle in his eye--and I m now seeing that same twinkle in your Dad's eyes as well. Those eyes can be seen in John's and Olen's eyes too...

Do you wonder what he thought when he "traveled through to 'de Alibaster Gate!"